Friday, March 28, 2014

Eagle Point - Hidden Gem

A photo of Karen from the hike out after doing runs on Donner's Descent. They were beyond worthwhile with deep,fluffy freshies as very few had been willing to do the hike back. We tried to get back for a third, but just missed it as ski patrol drew the closed sign out.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Fracture Ridge

Living in Henderson, most hikers are aware of (and have probably hiked) Black Mountain. How could you pass up a peak minutes away from your house? However, there is a lesser-known peak nearby, just South.

I've seen this peak referenced a few different ways. North McCullough Peak, Little Black Mountain, and Fracture Ridge. We took the official Black Mountain trail, until its junction with the BLM 402 trail. This trail passes closely by Park Peak, so we tagged that peak quickly before starting up the ridge to our main goal. We quickly found a trail, and the rest of the way was a simple and easy climb.

At the top, we noted that connecting North McCullough to Black Mountain would require some pretty decent scrambling. It'd be a fun loop, but remember thinking that there's no guarantee that the route "goes". Guess someday we'll find out...